Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Using my Brand NEW Tilda Papers

I am sooooo excited to share my first card using my
brand new Tilda papers!
My friend Leonie sent them to me from the Netherlands!!!!
A million thanks Leonie for the papers but much more
so for creating the most beautiful projects
in the world!!!
Please check out my You Tube video on this card.


  1. It is my pleasure to be your follower. Thank you for always showing your beautiful creations with us. You are a truly talented lady. I wish I could find that saying about God giving us a talent and us sharing it. It was so beautiful and it might have even come from your you tube channel. If you know what I'm referring to would you direct me where to find it? Big hugs, Carole

    1. I just added it to my main trailer on my YT channel :) Thanks so much for your LOVELY comment!
